News Category : WHATNEW

News : Notice for distribution of Marksheet and Certificate on 16/04/2021
Published On 13/4/2021

 Hijli College


Dated: 13/04/2021


The Marksheets of B.A./ B.Sc. (Hons. & Gen.) & BCA 2nd  Semester & Final Certificate upto 2018  will be given on 16.04.2021  at 11.00 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. at college office . Students must bring Fees Receipt (Exam fee including Tuition fees) of 2nd Semester at the time of taking Marksheet.


If any student fails to collect Marksheet on that day, they have to wait for college reopening as per Govt. Order or may contact Sri Sanjit Pal (Contact no. 8293286982) regarding this.

Due to COVID 19 , precautionary measures must be follow  by students  while taking Marksheet, students must  use mask, gloves, head cover, own sanitizer with alcohol content above 70% ,full shirt and trouser while entering the college premises.
